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nibook.py (Source)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
GHP = "/home/anke/Web/GitHubPage_encarsia"
DL_DIR = "/files/tut_ebook"
POSTS = []
SPHDIR = os.getcwd()
META = '''.. meta::
   :http-equiv=Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
def collect_posts():
    # get posts
    with open("index.lst") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if not line.strip("\n") == "":
            POSTS.append(line.strip("\n") + ".rst")
    print("Posts collected...")
def copy_posts():
    # copy posts into /posts folder
    if not os.path.exists(SPHDIR + "/posts"):
        os.makedirs(SPHDIR + "/posts")
    for post in POSTS:
        shutil.copy2(os.path.join(GHP, "posts", post), "posts")
    print("Posts copied to Sphinx folder...")
def create_index():
    # insert post filenames to index template and save as index.rst
    with open("index.tmpl") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    pos =lines.index("    .. include-start\n")
    del lines[pos]
    for post in reversed(POSTS):
        lines.insert(pos, "    posts/{}\n".format(post[:-4]))
    with open("index.rst", "w") as f:
    ("Index.rst generated from template...")
def sph_title(src):
    # convert title comment to chapter, position is always line 1
    # convert Nikola slugs into internal reference, position is always
    # line 2 but title function inserts 3
    # insert meta tag for correct encoding when running kindlegen
    title = src[0][10:].strip()
    src.insert(0,"{}\n".format("*" * len(title)))
    src.insert(2,"{}\n".format("*" * len(title)))
    slug = src[4].split()[2]
    ref = ".. _{}:\n\n".format(slug)
    src.insert(0, ref)
    src.insert(0, META)
def sph_edit(src, del_lines):
    # delete unwanted content like table of contents
    # convert custom Nikola directives thumbnail and listing to image
    # and literalinclude
    # use original files and images with Sphinx, demands relative paths
    # ignore GIF images
    # delete custom G+ link, this won't work if you use the raw
    # directive in any other way
    for pos, line in enumerate(src):
        if line.startswith(del_lines):
            del src[pos]
        elif line.startswith(".. thumbnail::") or line.startswith(".. image::") or line.startswith(".. figure::"):
            del src[pos]
            if not line.endswith(".gif\n"):
                new_line = ".. figure:: ../{}{}\n".format(os.path.relpath(GHP), line.split()[2])
                src.insert(pos, new_line)
        elif line.startswith(".. listing::"):
            del src[pos]
            filename, lang = line.split()[2], line.split()[3]
            new_line = ".. literalinclude:: ../{}/listings/{}\n".format(os.path.relpath(GHP), filename)
            src.insert(pos, new_line)
            new_line = "    :language: {}\n".format(lang)
            src.insert(pos + 1, new_line)
        ### !!! Delete the following if statement if you use the raw directive !!!
        elif line.startswith(".. raw:: html"):
            for x in range(4):
                del src[pos]
def sph_deslug(src):
    """convert internal links using slug into working internal link
        Example:    in:  `description <link://slug/thisisit>`_
                    out: `description <filenameofslugorigin.xhtml#thisisit>`_
            normally slug == filename but sometimes things aren't normal
            this example only works with epub builder, links are broken with LaTeX builder
            probably the easiest way is to format links to
                    out: description (:ref:`thisisit`)
            because the references have already been set in sph_title function
            the only (cosmetic) issue is the link text being separated from the link
            that'll do
        Explanation of string splits:
                    Sentence with a `slugified link <link://slug/thisisit>`_.
            1)'>`_' [0]                                                  |  |[1] post
            2)' <'  [0]                            ||[1]                 |-----------
            3)'`'   [0] pre        ||[1] descr      |--------------------|-----------
            4)'/'   -------------------------------||[0]  ||[2] |[3] ref |-----------
    for pos, line in enumerate(src):
        while "<link://slug/" in line:
            split1 = line.split(">`_", 1)   # always process first link
            split2 = split1[0].split(" <")
            split3 = split2[0].split("`")
            split4 = split2[1].split("/")
            pre = split3[0]
            descr = split3[1]
            ref = split4[3]
            post = split1[1]
            line = "{} {} (:ref:`{}`){}".format(pre, descr, ref, post)
            del src[pos]
            src.insert(pos, line)
def prepare_sources():
    # #########   prepare rst source files for Sphinx  ###########
    for post in POSTS:
        # read source file into string variable
        with open("posts/" + post) as f:
            nikola_source = f.readlines()
        # tuple of strings to select for deletion
        del_lines = (".. class::",
                     ".. contents::",
        sph_edit(nikola_source, del_lines)
        # write edited source code into file
        with open("posts/" + post, "w") as f:
        print("File ({}) prepared...".format(post))
def menu():
    print("Ready for Sphinx.")
    QUESTIONS = [("epub", "Run Sphinx epub builder"),
                ("latex", "Run Sphinx latex builder"),
                ("mobi", "Run KindleGen"),
                ("copy", "Copy files to download directory"),
                ("deploy", "Deploy files to GitHub Page"),
    for q in QUESTIONS:
        while 1:
            cmd = input("{}? (Y/n) ".format(q[1]))
            if cmd == "n":
            elif cmd == "y" or cmd == "j" or cmd == "":
                if q[0] == "epub":
                    subprocess.run(["make", "clean", "epub"])
                elif q[0] == "latex":
                    subprocess.run(["make", "latexpdf"])
                elif q[0] == "mobi":
                    subprocess.run(["kindlegen", glob.glob("*.epub")[0]])
                elif q[0] == "copy":
                    shutil.copy2(glob.glob("*.epub")[0], GHP + DL_DIR)
                    shutil.copy2(glob.glob("*.mobi")[0], GHP + DL_DIR)
                    shutil.copy2(glob.glob("*.pdf")[0], GHP + DL_DIR)
                elif q[0] == "deploy":
                    subprocess.run(["nikola", "build"])
                    subprocess.run(["nikola", "github_deploy"])
                print("Invalid input. Try again...")
    print("\nThis is the end.")
if __name__ == "__main__":